The Kenosha Canoe is by far the most poplar canoe of the fleet of canoes White Salmon Boat Works sells. "The Kenosha" is a caThe Kenosha's hull has a shallow arche height of either 17" or 15" pleasing look. Using modern building techqunics we achieved a moderately flat keel-line. This techqunic enabled us to center of the canoe flows int o a shallow "V" that gradually becomes a fine deep "V" at the bow. A small amount of rocker has been added for ease of maneuverability when the boat is heavy with crew and gear. This small deep "V" helps for directional stability, speed and maneuverability. The "V" is carried as far back as possible to create a keel like effect, which makes tracking a breeze.
This canoe paddles straight, fast and does not need a keel. Use the Kenosha for general purpose or medium distance tripping. This cruiser achieves its optimum waterline shape (secondary stability) when paddled heeled over slightly.
Plans: $95.00 . Basic Kit:
$1,600 . Complete Kit: $3,200