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14' Wherry Rowboat

Smooth Lines ~ Very Stable ~ Fun For the


Wherry Row Boat

Not only is the Cosine Wherry a beautiful looking boat, it is a boat with plenty of stability. The combination of elegant lines and light-weight wood-stripper construction, she is the rower’s dream. She responds instantly to a light pull in the oars and gets up to hull speed with a few strokes. Add a second rower and you can really have fun.

Wherry Row Boat

This boat will keep you dry in rough weather, carry up to 500 pounds, yet is lightweight (approx. 100 lbs). It is strong and well-suited for racing, yet practical for fishing and ideal for leisurely excursions on quiet lakes. Did you know the Cosine Wherry can be equipped with a small outboard motor ? Add a drop down centerboard, a retractable rudder and two different sail configurations and you have a boat for all kinds of fun. The Cosine Wherry will give years of exercise, pleasure, and the greatest satisfaction to build and row.

John Hartsock designed this beautiful boat. John built and tested this boat on lakes, rivers, and the harbors around Puget Sound, near Seattle, Washington.

Wherry Row Boat


Length: 14’

Beam to outside of stripping: 52”
Weight: approx. 125 lbs.
Design displacement: 500 lbs.

These photos below of the 14' Cosine Wherry was designed and built by John Harstock. John was the original designer of the 14' Cosine Wherry row boat. John built this first prototype, it rowwed, funtion perfectly and looked so beautifully, he decided to keep this design. John has recently pass away and his son, John Harstock Jr. is now the owner. John contacted me about selling his Dad's beloved first boat. SOLD

a very good deal!!!

*******Building The 14' Wherry Photos***********


*******14' Wherry Plans*******


To order your plans contact me




Build your DREAM BOAT before its to late

1006 NW Cherry Hill Rd. White Salmon, Washington 98672 USA Call-509-637-4393 Email- Rayklebba@gmail.Com
All Contents Copyright © 2016 White Salmon Boat Works All Rights Reserved.Date modified 01/02/2017
last Update: 10/02/2020
"Do you wish men to speak well of yourself? Then never speak of yourself."
-Blaise Pascal, French philosopher (1623-1662)